High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Wiki
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Wiki
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Wiki

"Balance" is a song cover in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, originally sung in Frozen. The song is sung by Adrian Lyles as Jet in the episode Into the Unknown.


After Jet is forced by Dewey Wood to join an elective he has to audition for the musical since the only other elective open is swimming. At first Maddox tells him that auditions are closed but EJ lets him audition anyways.


For the first time in forever
I'm getting what I'm dreaming of
A chance to leave my lonely world
A chance to find true love

For the first time in forever
We're no longer shut outside

For the first time in forever
The gates are open wide
Oh, I know it all ends tomorrow
So it has to be today

'Cause for the first time in forever
For the first time in forever
Nothing's in my way


